Newtown Nutrition is evolving...

After more than 20years of supporting Newtown locals it is time for new directions for the team at Newtown Nutrition.

Our team will continue to support our existing clients with online consultations and each of our dietitians is available to support new clients within our new business ventures. See the list below for how our dietitians can support you.



Liz Beavis – Food Intolerance Dietitian

Liz is available to support people with

  • Any type of food intolerance including
    • migraines
    • eczema
    • mood
    • brainfog and more
  • Complex gut issues including
    • IBS that hasn’t resolved with simple strategies
    • SIBO
    • Disaccharidase Deficiency
Show me how Liz can help

Amber Sewell-Green – The Green Mind

  • Plant-Based Lifespan nutrition including
    • Paediatrics from 4months for introducing solids
    • All stages of adulthood including mature age
    • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
    • Vegan
    • Vegetarian
    • Pescatarian
  • Hormone Balancing
    • PCOS
    • Endometriosis
    • Thyroid Health
    • Methylation Issues
  • Metabolic
    • Insulin Resistance
    • Pre-diabetes
    • Diabetes Type 2
    • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Improving Food Relationships and Mind-Body Harmony
    • Breaking cycle of binge/restrict eating cycles
    • Weight loss from Mindful and Intuitive Eating Perspective (and addressing underlying hormone imbalances, nutritional adequacy and psychology of food habits)
  • Neurodegenerative diseases of ageing including
    • Parkinsons
    • Alzheimer’s Disease
    • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Anti-Inflammatory Eating for arthritis, lupus etc
  • Immune Support
  • Brain Support
    • improving focus
    • enhancing energy levels via mitochondria
    • methylation
    • nutrition for mood disorders
    • nutrition for optimising brain chemistry for psychiatric disorders: ADHD, ASD, Schizophrenia, Bipolar
  • Plant-Based diet to support colon cancer and cancer recovery
  • Bone Health
  • Bariatric Surgery


Show me how Amber can help


Sarah Ewels - Unfurled Nutrition & Dietetics

Sarah is available to support people with

  • Gut health – IBS, FODMAPs
  • Food intolerance & allergy
  • Diabetes Type II
  • Cholesterol
  • Weight Management
Book now with Sarah



If you would like to book a dietitian with another health issue that is not listed, or your would like to book an in-person consultation, please review the list of Dietitians available in the local area on Dietitians Australia website.

If you’re not sure if we can help you, please email us [email protected] and we’ll send you in the best direction for your needs.

All the best

Liz Beavis and the Newtown Nutrition team